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Daily broiler chiken ROSS-308

ROSS-308 is a strong and fast-growing broiler which has efficient conversion of forage and high performance of meat. Own parent flock of the manufacturer "Cedrob" ensures the maximum homogeneity of the flock and hight quality chicken. Thanks to this the largest poultry farm in western Ukraine became our Customers.

State registration of veterinary medicines and feed additives

The "Vetrade" company offers services for registration of veterinary medicines, feed additives, prepared feeds and premixes. In case of necessity, we can develop projects of all necessary documentation for registration (layouts packaging, manuals, etc..) This will greatly facilitate and speed up the registration of your products in Ukraine.

Pork and Poultry meal and other protein products

Poultry meal, Pork meal, Mukopro, Dry Pork Blood. This is the protein raw material for animal feed, essential in feeding animals and birds. And its production in Germany in the latest technologies and exacting standards, ensuring its high, and most importantly - reliable quality.


Калфос - це природний трикальцій, отриманий при переробці свинячих кісток.
Калфос застосовується в якості добавки до кормів для домашніх тварин, птиці і органічного добрива з метою регулювання вмісту кальцію і фосфору. Калфос виготовляється відповідно до Регламенту Комісії ЄC 853/2004.

